Tuesday, February 5, 2008


the subject was love what a mystical thing we call love. It drive our lives in directions we don't always plan to go. Looking back i query that what if the love i've experienced had been different.
would i still appreciate my life as much as i do today? would those lives i touch now and those who touch me be the same? maybe, maybe not?yet some how the course of my life somehow may put me right here as i am now. My six great children,how i unconditionally love them and their children. just as my Jesus unconditionally loves me.nothing will shake that forever.with my soulmate barbara gone on to the eternal,how i long to be with her,yet i live on here. my love to give again as Jesus sees fit, it is my only real hope.
our emotions, our souls are never complete unless we love.
for it fulfills our real meaning of living.
it is because no matter what, no matter how much or how little we own, we influence,we rule,our deepest desire is to be loved and cherished by another.so much so we look endlessly until we find someone.even something will do but only for a season, even any will do until Gods chosen arrives in our life. because of that we see man and woman meander about, reaching at what seems good yet some remain unfullfilled in their life, longing for that special person leaving someone behind at every turn in their lives.
yet he is here,now, waiting,wanting our love, but do we as humans know? yes, we have a clue,yet you and i turn away,searching elsewhere because of what? ignorance,stubborness, blindness,lack of our selfesteen, if only we could just get it right, for he has been here all along, the real Jesus!

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